Synthetic Putting Greens In Canton, Ohio
Utilizing our proprietary PAR (Pure Absolute Roll) turf, Northeast Ohio Putting Greens (NEOPG) can design and install residential and commercial greens that are both visually stunning and functionally excellent.
From small backyard greens to 2000 sq. ft. practice greens with custom breaks and chipping areas, to indoor putting greens, NEOPG can design and install a truly unique experience for all levels of golfers.
Our unique tee line product (non-sand filled) provides the feel of hitting off an actual fairway and can be used as a single mat at home or on the range. The fibers are so dense they even hold a tee upright and allow a solid hit down into the turf.

Learn More About Putting Greens In Canton, Ohio
To experience a custom-designed indoor green, please visit Bob & Pete’s Floors or call to make an appointment to see a model outdoor green.
Our custom-designed indoor greens include:
- Custom outdoor and indoor greens for year-round enjoyment
- Portable indoor greens – any size, any shape
- Greens and tee boxes for golf courses
- Synthetic lawns and playgrounds – never mow again!
Schedule An Appointment
The team at Bob & Pete's Floors in Canton, Ohio is ready to help you achieve your flooring dreams. Whether you're interested in an installation, in-home measure, flooring estimate, or more, we can help!
Fill out the form to the right, and we'll contact you shortly.
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